That song really should've been about fall. I love everything about this season. I also love The Inspired Room. She has encouraged her readers to share 20 little things they love about autumn. So here goes...
1. No more pollen allergies!!!
2. Crisp morning air
3. Seeing all the kids waiting at their bus stops in sweaters, jackets and hoodies
4. Snuggling up under my family quilt
5. Bonfires
6. Hayrides
7. Hot apple cider with cinnamon sticks
8. Apple pies
9. Carving Pumpkins
10. Sunday football with my man
11. Anticipating Christmas
12. Indian corn, hay bails, and pumpkins on the porch
13. Sitting on the porch swing with a sweater
14. Evening walks
15. Pumpkin recipes (roll, cheesecake, bread, pie, LATTE...you name it)
16. Thanksgiving, one of my favorite holidays of all time
17. Puffy vests
18. Shopping for turtlenecks
19. Windows down. Heat on.
20. Thanking God for His beautiful creation, dusted with hues of orange, amber, yellow and green
What do you love about fall?
Or, more importantly, what is your favorite pumpkin recipe?
I'm right there with you on the pollen! Cute picture-
Have a Happy Fall
kara - thank you so much for the sweet comment! yes, authentic relationships really are how we were created to live with other people! please don't be a stranger... I love new friends!
What a fun post. I might have to do this..
What a cute picture!
Pumpkin Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting!!! Just like Carrot Cake or Spice Cake if you like those;)
Nice list! And nice to meet you:)
Love your list! :) Hope you find a turkey plate at TJ. Mine had a ton so hopefully you will!
Aww...you're post made me feel dreamy. : ) And about the 2nd post down, I thought the first two pie hutch photos were a make-over. Ha ha ha. I was AMAZED! I'm a goof.
Great list and great idea for a post. I will be posting mine soon.
I love your blog, you are TOO dang cute!! Our powder room paint color is called Chocolate...I think. It's from Lowes...I think. I will check that out for you and let you know!
I agree with everything you said! I just LOVE the fall!
Definitely the colors....I'm a sucker for trees with red, orange and yellow leaves....
The Lettered Cottage
That's a wonderful list! I love fall.
Oooh... windows down and heat on is my favorite too! Glad I'm not the only one that does that.
Yay for puffy vests!!! Great list! So glad you shared!
Fall blessings to you!
I love Thanksgiving, too. (It actually is my favorite.)
Glad that you allergy sufferers get relief in autumn!
Fun list, cute picture!
The end of allergy season, pollen gone!! My eyes and nose are happy :)
Happy Fall!
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