Monday, July 7, 2008

Headboard Project Complete!!

This weekend, my dad helped me finish up my new headboard project. I'm quite excited. I think it looks great. Now, my next step is figuring out what to hang above the darn thing :) I'm thinking a project with three large frames, some ribbon, and my initials in monogram style or old english style print, more details to come. However, the suggestion box is wide open! So please help me!

If you decide to do this project on your own, shoot me a line and I can give you all the details on the easiest way to affix it to the wall. Which means I'll ask my dad exactly how that all worked.

Warning, I may have gotten a little picture happy, but enjoy!

Cover the foam board with batting to make i extra cushy and soft:

Then, do the same with the fabric, making sure the corners look nice:

Then marvel at your fabric masterpiece. Warning, a dad might pop up from behind there at any time:

Then, affix the upholstered board into the mantel opening:

Install, raising it up on boxes for height, and have your dad pose for a picture because he's been such a wonderful help:

Stand back, take a deep breath and think, "What's my next project?!"

Come back and see me!


Lara said...

That turned out so lovely!!!!

Lettered Cottage said...

Oh My Gosh! That looks FANTABULOUS!! Great job! I gotta try that sometime.

Julia Goolia said...

It looks LOVELY, great work.

Trixi said...

I came over via, Rhoda at Southern Hospitality. I am so glad I did. That headboard looks great. I hope you post a pic. with the bed in place. Good job!

Anonymous said...


I came over via Rhoda, GREAT job I love it.

Kathy :)

Valarie Lea said...

Oh that is so cool!! I wonder where I can put one????

Joanna said...

I came by via Rhoda...It looks great! I was thinking of doing a head board and this is a great one!

Judy said...

Kara: I found you through Rhoda's blog. I love what you did for a headboard...I have a little project that I will undertake soon for a headboard project with monogrammed slipcover (Southern Living idea).

Also, for the chest, I love the distressed look. I'd do whatever works in for decorating style.


Anonymous said...

Wow!! What a great headboard. Your dad is very talented as well as you. Where is the bed? Would love to see what it looks like attached to the bed.

Anonymous said...

Kara, I have been looking for a great headboard project... Do you still love your headboard? It's been a while since you blogged this... funny blog BTW. Please email me any idea's you have about making this easier (I'm not very crafty... just don't want to spend a crazy amount on a headboard, so I'm going to try it!! :) Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

How did you affix it to the fireplace surround?