Monday, July 30, 2012

Rainbow Chard Stem Pickles

I've never really cared too much for pickles. They are one of those things that always SOUND good to me and the second I bite in I instantly remember why I hated them in the first place. Luckily, I've discovered I really enjoy other vegetables pickled. I don't know what it is about those pesky cucumbers.   

As many of you know, we've been up to our eyeballs in Rainbow Chard. So, I've been on the hunt for creative ways to use this drought-proof veggie that, to be quite honest, I don't like that much. Turns out, you can quick pickle the stems and store them in your fridge to crunch away on, serve on salads, burgers, a cheese plate ... you  name it! 

You can find the recipe from Bon Appetit. It worked out perfectly so there is really nothing to adapt for the blog. But, I couldn't help but share! 

Are you looking for other creative ways to use your garden, farmers market and CSA veggies? Make sure to follow my From the Garden and Farm Pinterest board for more inspiration. 

What veggies are you using creatively? Share your recipes below!

This post is part of the From the Garden and Farm Summer Series


Laura said...

I made veggie pancakes with zucchini and carrots the other day. I have also been making a ton of baby food (she loves veggies) and freezing it.

Debbie From Illinois said...

I love pickled anything just so it doesn't have any dill in it. I don't like dill. Yuck, yuck, yuck!

When I first looked at the photo you posted I thought it was rhubarb!

Debbie From Illinois said...

Kara, I have been missing all of your bloggy goodness! :-)