Friday, October 23, 2009

Ava June

I love her.

She is my best friend, taught me what I need to know about life, love, God and how to have a good time. She is continually invested in my character as i grow into a Godly woman. She encourages me to take it easy, stress less, and enjoy the "free and easy" parts of life.

That has always been a challenge.

But she helps me through it.

She's been there for every win, every loss, every kiss, every break up. She's there when I think I look fat. She's there to tell me when my shirt is too wrinkled to wear in public, or that my chipped nail polish looks bad.

She cried with me in the darkest moment of my life. Despite how disappointing, she walked right through it with me.

... and prayed for me.

She was right there. Right next to me. She always will be.

She loves to bake, loves her friends, her husband. She also loves to laugh, and oddly enough loves hip-hop music. She draws the same little flower every time she signs her name to a note. I love that flower.

If I am 1/10th as selfless as she is in life, I will be a saint.

Her heart? It's huge. It aches for others. It smiles with others.

She's the best friend I've ever had, or ever will.

Mom, I love you.


Trina said...

So sweet. You are blessed :)

Katie said...

Wow! that's awesome...I hope she reads this!

southerninspiration said...

Oh, that's really eyes are full of tears. I hope my daughter will say that about me someday.

SarahBelle said...

makes me miss my mama... what a gift- you to her, and her to you..

the monkeys' mama said...

that is one of the sweetest posts i've ever read.

lucky Mrs. Heim said...

That is so incredibly sweet, it brought tears to my eyes. How blessed you both are.