Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sometimes it snows flowers

Oh hello there to my handful of readers! You may or may not have noticed that I disappeared off the face of the blog-a-login earth.

I did so with good reason. It's been a crazy summer full of break ups, crushes, trips to the mountains, strawberry jelly, homemade pizzas, big giant Dahlias, new jobs, new friends, self-reflection, new music, a new love for old music, muffins, quilts, old suitcases, new jewelery, photo booths, piles of laundry, hurting friends, happy friends, succulent plants, Lillies and big bouquets, Vincas and vines, sweet tea, tomatoes, peaches....and life.

And life is sometimes hard.

I took this picture right after a horrible storm one day. The storm blew off all the petals on this tree, and my first gut reaction was to be sad. There is nothing that makes me happier than blooming plants. I drove by this tree everyday and I wasn't quite ready for it's cute little white blooms to disappear from my commute.

And then, I looked again.

Turns out a sidewalk of petals is gorgeous and I can just imagine walking down that tree lined street with coffee in hand, humming a tune. Something about it makes me smile, makes me happy and makes me realize how the littliest moments in life are to be treasured the most deeply.

Sometimes a storm comes through in your life and plucks the petals off of your plans... seemingly destroying the beautiful, buttoned up life you had planned for yourself, and at first glance it's heartbreaking.

And then you look again....

And God works his magic. He makes storms turn into opportunities, and hardships into happiness- revealing more about Him and more about you.

Sometimes He makes it snow flowers.



  2. Made me teary, girlfriend. I missed you!

  3. I'm glad you're back..and especially with such a beautiful post!

  4. Yay...your back! Missed you! Sorry things have been so tough...glad to have you back tho.

  5. I'm so glad you posted, Kara. That was so profound. It made me cry.

  6. I hate to hear you've experienced some tough times but happy to hear you found the beauty in what God can do thru it.
    Glad you're back :)

  7. What a lovely thought. Thank you!

  8. What a great post! Everything you said is so true!!!
