Monday, June 1, 2009

May I make a recomendation?




It was FANTASTIC. It was a wonderful love story, and I may or may not have cried several times. I mean, who cries at a cartoon, really Kara?

But seriously.... I makes you want to fall in love a million times over...

Our theatre had it in 3D so I got to sport some kickin' shades...

Also, since we all know we can appreciate an adorable house. I wouldn't mind moving into the one from the movie right away please. thank you...

Come back and see me!


  1. I cried during Wall-E (and other cartoon flicks) and based on your review, I'm sure the waterworks will come out again for this movie. I'll try to remember to bring some tissues!

  2. I was wondering if it was any good.
    Thanks for letting me know - I may have to take the kiddos soon.

  3. Sek-sei eyewear!! Always my fashionista!

  4. That is awesome. They showed a preview of that movie before Terminator Saturday and I thought it looked good. Glad to hear a good review. Also, my favorite parts of this post were the picture of you in the 3D glasses and the use of the phrase, "sport some kickin shades." Well done.

  5. I loved it as well. I was wiping at my eyes a couple times as well. Who wouldn't want a love like that?
    I also loved the curb scene at the end!!
    It was great! I am thinking that I liked it more than my kids. Oh well. Plus-we have a local theater who has the bomb popcorn! I was one happy girl-popcorn, huge diet coke and a feel good show!! Plus-I was mom of the year that day!

  6. We saw it this weekend too! LOVED it. The part with Ellie at the beginning was so, so sweet. We did see it in regular 2-D because it was at a small-town theater, but I bet it was really cool in 3-D! Last night DD was showing us where something was and she pointed her head at it and yelled, "Point!" We about died laughing. :)

  7. I swore I'd never go to the theater to see any of these cartoon movies, but you're going to make me break down and go see this!

  8. LOVED IT!!!
    I also cried 4 times- I mean tears running down my neck, full out sobs. BUT I also laughed so hard my side hurt. I'm not usually a big cartoon fan, but I really enjoyed it. Glad you did too!

  9. I SO want to see this. And I'm loving your haircut right now! Very cute!

  10. Yea!! So glad to hear! My nephews and I have been acting out (over and over and over) the brilliance that is the scene with the dog when they first meet him!

    I haven't seen the movie, but I watched a clip on Disney TV about it, and how they came up with the dog character, and I have to say, I've never seen anything so brilliant!! LOL! They captured the essence of a dog!

    one thing..


  11. I heard the movie is great! I need to check it out!

    The new Forever 21 is in the new section of West County Mall (by the new Barnes and Noble).
